A 12-week journey featuring coaching, transformation and TRTP™ sessions to resolve past trauma blocking your relational well-being.

Are you feeling isolated, longing for deeper connections and a supportive community? Have you experienced trauma or distressing events that have held you back from fully opening your heart to love, joy, and authentic relationships?

Next Group Starts June, 2024

All sessions are conducted via Zoom, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home.

Opening to connection and love is opening to life..

Opening to connection and love is opening to life.. ⟢


Having a circle of friends who stand by you through life’s challenges.

Being surrounded by people who truly understand you, offering reassurance with a heartfelt "I get you" or a supportive "I got you" when you need it most.

Sharing goals, desires, and values with a close-knit community that supports your growth.

Going to sleep each night feeling deeply loved, appreciated, and surrounded by genuine care.

Hear from our community

"This program is a profound exploration of connection, authenticity, and self-care. Through this community, I've felt a deep sense of connection and love. The safe and positive container has been transformative, giving me awareness and confidence in my journey. I'm now crafting and creating communities with more capacity and inspiration."

Your Connection Coach, Facilitator, and Experience Designer.

After navigating through a challenging period of solitude and loneliness, I discovered the impact of intentional connections and deeper relationships. In the midst of this transformative journey, I not only met the love of my life but also forged new friendships and built a vibrant community in a town that now feels like home. It was this profound personal experience that ignited the spark for creating this program.

I am currently a TRTP™ practitioner-in-training, to be fully certified by June 2024. With over a decade dedicated to coaching and fostering human connection, my mission is now to guide you along a path that goes beyond fleeting encounters. I'm here to help you cultivate lasting friendships, meaningful connections, and a sense of belonging. Your journey to deeper connections starts here, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.

Hi, I’m Lisa


You've been through some wild twists in your life or relationships, and now you're thinking, "I need a supportive crew of amazing people to navigate these challenges with me."

You're feeling disconnected from your current social circle, and deep down, you're yearning for connections that are more profound and soul-nourishing—you know what I mean?

You long for genuine, lasting friendships and a sense of belonging—a community that feels like family.

You are ready to open your heart and cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with loved ones and new people entering your life.

You are on a journey to become the best version of yourself and desire to explore life's depths with like-minded, like-hearted companions who truly understand you.


Your transformative journey begins with three exclusive TRTP™ (The Richards Trauma Process) sessions to resolve past issues hindering your ability to form deep connections. You'll then engage in weekly online group experiences, "playwork" activities, and two individual coaching sessions, providing you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to create lasting, fulfilling relationships and cultivate a sense of belonging in your life.

  • During week one you will have the opportunity to connect with your playground learning cohort, a supportive group of individuals on a similar journey to deepen their connections. Together, you'll explore the transformative power of setting clear intentions as a foundation for cultivating flourishing friendships, building a caring community, and fostering loving relationships.

  • Cultivate mindfulness and presence, increase relational self-awareness, develop five qualities of the heart to create meaningful connections with others.

  • Develop deeper friendships and relationships, both in person and online, at any age and fulfill your core needs for connection, validation, and nurturance.

  • Learn how to build trust with others through vulnerability, authenticity, and active listening.

  • Learn effective communication skills that will improve your relationships and help you navigate conflict and difficult conversations with ease.

  • Create intentional gatherings and circles that foster connection, trust, growth, and fun.

  • Learn how to navigate differences and conflicts in relationships through empathy, curiosity, and mutual respect.

  • Embrace vulnerability, authenticity, and integrity to build trust and deeper connections.

If you're ready to invest in yourself and create the life filled with love, connection, and authenticity that you deserve, take the first step today. Join the 12-week Play Ground Love program and discover the power of clearing trauma, connecting with your true self, and building a supportive community that will help you thrive.

In the Play Ground Love program, you’ll…

  • Create a personalized roadmap for transforming your social landscape, making it easier to meet new people and build meaningful connections. As one of our participants shared, "Thinking about and noticing connections and relationships more" is the starting point for your transformation.

  • Overcome the obstacles that keep you trapped in isolation, disconnection, or superficial relationships, paving the way for a life filled with love, joy, and authenticity.

  • Develop essential skills for forging deeper connections while fostering self-awareness, authenticity, and integrity. This enables you to cultivate the highest level of relational and social well-being. Another participant experienced "increased capacity to identify and activate around my social and relational life desires and needs" as a result of their personal growth in the program.

  • Enhance your ability to cultivate close friendships and establish a supportive community, expanding your network of reciprocal, nurturing relationships.

  • Experience a wide range of benefits that enhance your overall well-being through engaging group experiences and individual growth. As one participant put it, "Feel the transformative power of heart-centered love," capturing the essence of the Play Ground Love program.

Success Stories

  • Since joining this program, my personal life has taken a remarkable turn. I've entered a new relationship, and the intention I set to build trust has become a reality. This journey has not only impacted my relationships but has opened doors to a more confident and connected version of myself.

    Debora Pearson

  • If you are feeling called to make more meaningful connections in life, gather a supportive community around you, or just be more social and meet people, Lisa is the super-insightful, wise, and experienced guide you didn't even realize was out there! You don't have to be alone in your quest to move beyond your lonely routine. You don't have to reinvent the wheel if you want to gather a fun, creative, spiritual, or supportive circle of friends. Lisa, and the wonderful women she attracts to her programs, will be your companions as you figure out and take the next steps toward a more fulfilling connections in your life.

    Dr. Maja Apolonia Rode’

  • This program has been a transformative experience. What’s awesome is that I've not only made new friends but also shed connections that were not serving me. My self-esteem has soared, and I'm focused on becoming the person I aspire to be.

    Kiana Hamel

  • Lisa's impact on my journey has been truly transformative. Her heart-centered listening and compassion, created a safe and nurturing space for me, allowing profound insights to unfold naturally. Through Lisa's skilled guidance I became clear on the path to overcoming my obstacles toward self-healing. The culmination of my collaboration with Lisa, her encouragement and her ability to help me get to the root of my issues, has yielded a remarkable alleviation of anxiety and a surge of momentum to live more in my authentic self.

    Carolyn Brown

  • Since working with Lisa, my confidence as a leader has skyrocketed, and I now genuinely enjoy leading team meetings and creating gatherings. I have internalized the valuable lessons and strategies she taught me, allowing me to recognize people's emotions and creating a comfortable and inclusive environment. I strive to cultivate a sense of calm while infusing elements of fun and laughter. I have embraced my own version of Lisa's approach, carrying forward her emphasis on relationship and community building, which aligns with my own passions.

    Melissa Stephens

  • Lisa's approach to working with people is warm, respectful, caring and playful. Her interactive, thoughtful and engaging activities made me laugh, cry and truly engage in the moment. I always emerged from experiences with her feeling more open and connected to others and ready to meet my goals. She honored my introverted nature while challenging me to step out of my comfort zone in ways that felt exciting. She is passionate about helping others and it shows in the skilled way she plans and facilitates experiences while making you feel heard and valued.

    Lisa Rock

What's Included:

  • 3 TRTP™ sessions to resolve past trauma at the unconscious level, and open your heart to receive love

  • Individual Coaching Session with Lisa- Kick off Call (90 mins)

  • 8 Group Coaching Sessions (90 mins)

  • 1 Individual Coaching Session with Lisa- Ultimate Results Calls (30 mins)

  • Accountability Partners to reach your goals

  • Online Community for support and celebration

  • Access to a library of resources with tools, trainings and templates.

  • Weekly drop-in calls for questions and community connection

Your investment

Save with Early Bird:


(Save $500, ends May 22st)

After May 22:


Bonuses inside:

  • Guide #1Building Deep Connections: Making Friends Who Feel Like Family

  • Guide #2 →  Rise Above: Mastering Compassionate Communication to Overcome Judgment, Negativity and Gossip  

  • The Gathering Blueprint - a done-for-you checklist to create gatherings that foster deeper connections, empower individuals, and cultivate a sense of community.

  • The Connection Journal - a habit tracker journal to help you with daily practices to connect to yourself, others and the natural world.

Hear from our community

"This program has been a game-changer for me. Learning how to be more vulnerable has transformed my relationships. It's like a light went on, and now I navigate new connections with openness and authenticity. Thanks to this journey, I'm on the path to more fulfilling connections in my life."

-Laurie Bethell Bratt


  • Yes, group sessions will be recorded and available to you if you miss a session. We highly encourage you to attend all group sessions and we also know that life happens.

  • The program comprises 8 group coaching sessions, spread across 2 months, each lasting 90 minutes. In addition to the group sessions, we recommend dedicating 30-60 minutes per week to engaging in 'Playwork.' These materials, sent to your email between sessions, include readings, reflections, and practices to enrich your experience.

    As part of the program, you will schedule three individual coaching sessions with Lisa: one at the program's commencement, and one towards the end. Please note that there will be additional time involved as you take steps to achieve your unique and individual goals.

  • The program consists of a small, carefully curated group, all sharing a similar journey, and each participant has been pre-screened by Lisa to ensure a cohesive and supportive dynamic. This creates an interactive and nurturing learning environment where everyone can thrive together.

  • We will collaborate with you to schedule one session with Lisa before the group program commences and one more sessions towards the middle and end. These sessions can be conducted either over the phone or on Zoom, depending on your preference.

  • Please note that we do not offer refunds for this program. If you have any questions or concerns about whether this program is the right fit for you at this time, book a call with Lisa. She will be happy to discuss the program and your goals to ensure you make the right decision.

  • The group experience will include music and engaging activities on Zoom. To participate effectively, you will need a strong internet connection and you may want to have headphones on depending on your location. We also ask that you have your video turned on during group sessions to facilitate better engagement and connection with the group.